Corporate Social Responsibility

Since Chao Yuan’s establishment, in addition to seeking maximum achievements with the business philosophy of "Continuously improving the level and ability of self-developing technics and manufacturing high-quality products", we have a deeper understanding of employees as the most important part of the enterprise. Therefore, we are committed to continuously improve the operating environment which includes improving the incentive of employees, build a healthy and safe workplace. Make every effort of corporate social responsibility and pursue the sustainable operation and development of enterprises.
Chao Yuan Industrial Co., Ltd. promises to obey the following corporate social responsibility guidelines during manufacturing, selling products and customer services:

I. Labor
1. Prohibit child labor: Do not employ labor under the age of 16.
2. To ensure that all work is voluntary. It is forbidden to force workers with oppression and coercive conditions which includes intimidation, verbal violence..., etc.
3. Working hours and salaries are in accordance with the provisions of the law.
4. Any form of discrimination which includes race, party, gender, sexual orientation, physical and mental disabilities... etc. , harassment and retaliation is prohibited.
5. Provide diversified communication channels to maintain harmony between labor and capital. Setting up opinions/complaint mailbox, telephone, fax, E-mail.
6. Provide a safe working environment for employees and establish preventive measures.
II. Anti-bribery, embezzlement, deception and other improper behavior
1. Any form of commercial bribery is prohibited. Requiring all employees to be self-disciplined and must avoid conflicts of interest between individuals and work. Accepting any form of interests from business partners is also prohibited.
III. Reporting
1. When receiving reports of corruption, the company will deal with strict confidence. Employee who reports misconduct will not be retaliated for bravely reporting; employees who assists in investigating potential violations are also protected.
IV. Supply chain management
1. Comply with the Company's operating regulations for suppliers.
2. Comply with the Company's supplier integrity commitment.
3. Comply with relevant safety and environmental protection regulations and safety matters required by customers.
4. Ensure the quality of the original materials supplied which meets the customer's product requirements.
5. Implement supply chain risk management.
6. Refuse to purchase conflict minerals imported from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and its neighboring countries (gold, tin, tantalum, tungsten, etc.).
7. The company shall inform and require suppliers to perform the above statement.